My Famous videos for making a Home or Mobile Emergency Home Battery bank that will run your TV's, charge your cell phones and tablets, run your radios and police scanner and recharge ALL of the AA and AAA batteries you could want ( as well as run your sump pump ) ON SALE FOR TODAY ONLY.  This has NOT been on sale since I made it in November of 2012.

This is a little POP UP SALE I am having on the battery bank Videos.  Normally 34.95 is NOW 24.95 for EVERYONE and if you are a paid subscriber of The Survival Podcast Membership Support Brigade (MSB) then its 19.95. (Links are in the private TSP MSB subscriber area)
(it says 34.95 on the page, but it will come up as 24.95 just for you.  Today ONLY)

ONE DAY ONLY.  TODAY.  On the webpage it will still say 34.95, but it will come up in your cart as 24.95.  NO COUPON NEEDED.  This is a SECRET SALE just for you guys.  Come get it NOW or don't get it at all :(   This is my ONLY email on the subject. There will be no reminders.

ALLOW IMAGES - Real Photo of a Battery Bank
This photo is of a single Marine Battery from Walmart powering 2 cell phones, 2 tablets, a AA/AAA battery charger, a radio, a police scanner and this is done through 1 of 3 inverters, plus there is a 3AAA head lamp that is running off the recharged AAA batteries.  Oh...and a 120 volt LED Light bulb is also being powered.  

Complete step by step video on how to make your own emergency home battery bank. This can be as small as one marine battery or it can be a whole bank of batteries, I show you everything. I cover battery selection in detail, I show you how to set up your battery, how to hook up the inverter, battery monitors and other fail safe stuff so you always know your battery bank is working and ready to go plus I go into step by step on how to make a mobile version of this battery bank for a pickup truck and I also go into explicit details on hooking up a solar panel to the battery bank (home or mobile).
(it says 34.95 on the page, but it will come up as 24.95 just for you.  Today ONLY)

DO NOT fall into the SCAM that is the 'solar generator' junk they sell out there. Those are a lot of money for very little, this shows you how to make your own for 1/10 the price of what those crooks want to charge you. This DIY Video is incredibly detailed, anyone with zero knowledge can watch these videos and then make and USE their own battery bank.

A battery bank will be the NUMBER ONE thing you will go to and rely on the second the power fails. I have been building and using these for over 20 years. There are 3 videos in this purchase and they are ALL in 720P HD Video format and are a total of 4.5 hours in length. I told you it was very detailed. There will be NO DOUBT in your mind on how to make a battery bank when you are done watching these videos.

PLUS, you get the BONUS Video called Bread from Gasoline.  This is where I use a bread maker and a generator, and a battery, and my truck, to make 32 Pounds of Bread (16 x 2lb loaves) from ONE GALLON of gasoline.  Now that is a bargain.  Video as always is step by step and I explain everything.  Have real loaves of bread in an emergency from JUST Flour, Water, Oil, Salt, Sugar and Yeast.  It really does work.
(it says 34.95 on the page, but it will come up as 24.95 just for you.  Today ONLY)

All of this is READY NOW for you to Watch INSTANTLY Online (like on your computer or iPad) AND YES you CAN DOWNLOAD the videos as well.  There is NO DVD, so do not ask, you have to watch it online or download it, but this is so simple, and its in 720P HD online as well.  You can download any resolution you desire. Mobile, SD or HD resolution.
(it says 34.95 on the page, but it will come up as 24.95 just for you.  Today ONLY)

Thanks so much,
Steven Harris
p.s.  If you want to read READ STORIES and FEEDBACK on the Battery Bank Videos just read the Testimonials at Here are a FEW of the testimonials that are up there.

- Once you get done watching these videos you will be able to easily put together a backup battery bank. I have been using a backup battery bank for about 4 years and this video blew my mind. This video completely takes out the learning curve and saves you the years of mistakes and failures that I made before getting this video.. Harlan M

- This mans research is remarkable. I haven't been disappointed by any of his recommendations. The battery stuff is the best. Martin D.

- I just have to email and tell you that I have started watching your video, and YOU ARE AN EXCELLENT TEACHER!! I was worried that I would "get" how to do these projects, but I am not worried at all anymore - I am EXCITED! Your style of teaching is exactly what I need - every detail shown and explained in each step with nothing assumed. Rarely have I experienced such great teaching, in school or anywhere - THANK YOU!!  Edie Z.

- Steven's expertise and experience are amazing. He teaches principles, so you can apply them to any situation instead of following exact instructions. His teaching makes technical subjects easy to understand. He gives you the ability to purchase the items spoken about either online or locally using detailed descriptions and model numbers when needed. This video in addition to how to power your house from your car podcast (above) will keep the lights on and the information flowing when you experience your next blackout. Jason L.

- A few weeks ago we lost power here. I had my incubator set up and some eggs getting close to hatch. No worry! Steve had me all set up and ready to rock. I just moved my plug for the incubator over to the inverter and battery, and wala I have power. Thanks for the info Steve. Anthony S.

- Outstanding job Steve! Very thorough and complete information here. It's the 'Holy Grail' of emergency power 'how to'. You've led the horse to water, now ..... will it drink! John D.

- Steve, Thanks again for the awesome video and instructions for building my home battery bank. Woke up this morning with no electricity. Now 2 hours later, still off. Ran the extension cord (sized to reach all areas of upstairs from basement) to Keurig first, yes, I have coffee, now on to computer and modem, now can work, and have wireless. This outage should end by noon, what a convenient addition, my in house electricity supply! So great to spend 5 minutes, running an extension cord and having power. Steve, you are the best, keep it up! -Lane D.

- The power at my house went out last night just after midnight and it took me just a few short minutes to have my led bulb equipped lamp hooked up to my home battery backup, weather radio playing and cell phones charging! Power was only out for a few hours, but I was ready and got to practice my preps! What was really cool was my wife saying "you know, I'm not worried at all. If it gets cold, we've got the kerosene heater. If we need power, I know you've got the battery that'll last a long time." That made my day. Scott F.

- Mr. Harris tackles the subject of making your own backup battery bank and makes it easy to follow and he informs you why you would want to do it this way as oppose to another way , but still gives you options. - Nick N.

- Buy this video, then follow it!!! Steven simplifies the process to blackout-proof your home and life. Directions start with simple steps anyone can do, then progress gently to more sophisticated solutions. Great stuff!!!  Ashley J.
(it says 34.95 on the page, but it will come up as 24.95 just for you.  Today ONLY)